Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events at this time.
Past Events
The White House in Barrington, IL
Pleased to be bringing American Ramble to Chicagoland with a discussion of the walk and the book, with lively discussion to follow.
Chesapeake Forum lecture; Easton MD
An illustrated account of a month-long walk from Washington DC to New York City in the spring of 2021 that became the book, American Ramble.
Haystack Book Festival appearance, Norfolk, CT
The great narrative nonfiction writer Rinker Buck and I talk about America from the vantage point of the slow and attentive traveler. [ADVANCE REGISTRATION NEEDED]
BookHampton book event – South Hampton, NY
American Ramble takes to the Hamptons in early summer for a book talk and conversation.
Talking Princeton: Bringing the Ramble to the ivory tower in an evening discussion of my walk through New Jersey, including the paddle across the Delaware at Washington’s Crossing.
Event co-sponsored by the Princeton Public Library and the Princeton Historical Society.
Book Talk: Cranbury Public Library, Cranbury, NJ
A discussion of one of my favorite stops along the ramble, from whence I paddled up Cranbury Brook beneath the Jersey Turnpike in a borrowed kayak.
Park City Book Event – Summit County Public Library
Bringing the Ramble and related stories and conversation to the beauty of Park City, with a lively event at the Summit County Library. [Event is free but seating is limited, so register.]
San Francisco book talk – Book Passage, The Ferry Building
A discussion on the joys of walking and seeing a slice of America – or anywhere – at three miles an hour.
Santa Fe, N.M. – The Collected Works Bookshop
Bringing American Ramble to the heart of Santa Fe, a place close to my heart in one of my favorite states. Well worth the lovely drive south from Boulder.
The Tattered Cover, McGregor Square, Denver, Colorado
A wide-ranging, mile-high talk on the art of the ramble and the inspiration behind American Ramble.
American Ramble Book Club

I am open to engaging with any larger book clubs via Zoom, or in person if feasible. (By larger I mean a dozen people or more.) Feel free to drop me a line.
In the meantime, here are some prompts to help stimulate conversation.